Is 2017 the year you go full steam ahead?

Early in January Human Design celebrated 30 years

We have come a long way since 1987 when Ra received the knowledge, and the years following when he first toured cities to give public lectures introducing this radically new and unknown system. Since those early days, Human Design has grown consistently and continues to thrive, reaching people all over the world. Human Design knowledge is helping to empower innumerable lives. It is assisting people of being centered in Self love and with the flow of Life.

Why I like Human Design? Because it has in it ALL of our stories. At first there weren’t many tools to use this knowledge and transform the low energies to the highest expressions of these energies. Living according your type and strategy through awareness and contemplation were the only tools available. I have been shown how META-Kinetics (advanced form of muscle testing) can assist greatly with disconnected energies of the chart back in 2014. Yes, indeed when you see your Human Design Chart, it doesn’t always mean that the energies you think you have a consistent access to, you really do. In 2014 I was also introduced to Healing by Human Design System that is also a helpful tool working with the Human Design Energies.

The New Year in Human Design Rave Year starts on January 22nd, 2017

Gate 41 – Fantasy (I Ching – Decrease)

As the Sun moves into the Gate 41 that day it goes through the six lines of this hexagram over the next 6 days. The partner of the Gate 41 is the Gate 31. The Gate 31 will be influenced by the Earth energies over the next 5 days. The Gate 41 is a very important key so it might help to understand what does it mean. This impacts our adrenals. The pressure that comes from this Gate from the Root Center can be overwhelming if we don’t understand the different expressions of this energy. This is where the body gets the instructions to begin building. This process starts with imagination of what could be possible to create. It feels like holding the keys to your fantasies but never turning it in the lock. This is a collective frequency of the planet. The planet is populated by people who dream for a better life but who, for one reason or another, are unable to bring these dreams into reality. The essential part of the process of understanding how this energy plays out in your life is knowing what you want. I can assist you with this process. In my Goal Alignment Program, we look at what do you want and how aligned you are with those desires. Without it, the only way out of one’s challenging situations is a wish to win a lottery. That is a sad state of affairs if you ask me. Not mastering this energy leaves us in a repressive state of being dreamy or a reactive nature which is hyperactive. Can you relate to any of this? If you do, reach out to me so we can change this.

In Human Design, we always start the Rave New Year in the energy of the sun that is all about redistribution. Stay alert to keep the balance in your daily life now, whether you are in a position to give or receive. It is neither the time for excessive hording nor excessive generosity.

Starting on January 22nd and for the next five days you can notice the different lines (every day enters a new line from 1 to 6, but not 5) that this energy is moving through. Each day should have a slightly different feel to it. We start the New Rave Year with appreciating what we have. In I Ching, this Gate is called Decrease. Decrease is like going on a diet. The earliest days can be torture, overwhelmed by thoughts of goodies you cannot have. Cutting back in all areas of life that is done voluntarily or is forced feels uncomfortable at first. Time to let go of what isn’t serving anymore and seeing if you truly could do with less clutter in your life.

In Human Design the Gate 41 is called Fantasy. This is where we start the Rave New Year. Here we bring new ideas and experiences into form. Here we are engaged with daydreaming and we fantasize about our abundant ideas. The energies of the Rave New Year are well-suited for visualizing and imagining. If the timing is right, this initiating energy can step out and take action. Welcome the energy of your human design where you get inspired and where you have an ability to hold on to the vision of what the next twelve months could be like. 

The Earth energies will be influenced by the programming partner of the Gate 41, the Gate 31. This Gate in biology is related to the Thyroid and Parathyroid glands. In order to use effectively this throat energy of the leadership, it needs to be recognized or invited to manifest into the form. With this energy, you can influence the collective, share what you know to help unify people. When the timing is right, this energy can step into the role of delegating and sharing the power. Make sure that you are invited to share your words, thoughts, ideas and dreams with the right people. Mutual attraction is stimulating. This energy is magical and deeply energizing when used with genuine mutual respect. If you are acting simply out of compulsiveness and the need for self-gratification, it isn’t that attractive. If you find your interaction with other people too intense during this time, step back and find your center before continuing engaging with this energy. Just like when you are in charge of a fire. You don’t want your fire to be too intense or too stale and flat. Keep fueling this energy while taking responsibility for its intensity. The other important part of this energetic dance is knowing what you want to accomplish and where your fantasies are rooted. The easiest interactions are those with the intentions of common good and wellbeing for everyone involved.

The bottom line here is give plenty of mutual support and non-possessiveness and respect in all interactions during this time.

Is 2017 the year you will turn your life on the path of love, courage, personal power,  decisiveness, clarity, self-trust, and self-worth?

Is 2017 the year you commit yourself to self-discovery of who you are and what you are here to do?

Is 2017 the year you become authentic?

Receive your FREE VIDEOS to get you started with my two free eBooks


May 2017 be the year!

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