Add more energy flow into your life


Add more energy flow into your life today!

It has to be built into us.

Anytime a suggestion that might improve our well-being is made, it is automatically rejected.

It is as we don’t hear it the first time, the second time or the third time.
The shift comes when we finally hear the message.

Are you full of good ideas and advice? Me too!

Do you always take your own advice?

Not always?

Well, recently I received a message upon waking up. “You are a hypocrite”.

After I asked my husband for definition and I looked it up myself as well, I wondered what it was all about.

No, it didn’t take long to understand what the message was all about.

Are you not doing things that you know would improve the quality of your life?

There are so many of them. So how to narrow it down so it isn’t overwhelming?

You know that they say? It takes 21 days to change a habit. It is a good practice to examine things you do daily and do something different for 3 weeks or so. See how you like it.

I am picking one to start off with. Put down and turn off all devices, preferably also turn off Wi-Fi each night, 1- 2 hours before going to bed. Pick up a book instead. Something nice and light to read.

Include Deeksha (Oneness) Blessing, if you can, a nice meditation music, or the Crown Pull.

You pick your own thing that you know you should be doing, but have not done so.

You have heard this before?

I am sure you have. We all do, all the time. We need to be sold on the benefits before we are ready to hear any advice, typically.

There is a caveat in my message today.

This isn’t driven by what you should be doing. This is fueled by your own desire to prescribe your own Lifestyle change that you want to benefit from.

Why not to start today? Don’t wait for New Year!

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