Shingles and their biological meaning
What are Shingles?If you search for the meaning of Shingles in a dictionary you will discover that Shingles is an acute, painful …
What are Shingles?If you search for the meaning of Shingles in a dictionary you will discover that Shingles is an acute, painful …
“What have you been doing? Your kidney meridian is pulsing again!” What I learned during that process was that there are usually a few themes, beliefs, events etc. that come together to form the energetic and information block. As a body energy coach, I look for these energy HUBS. You can call them blocks. It is an energy and information roadblock to the energy flow.
Decode your life story, change your life The long awaited Solar Eclipse is almost here. By now all have been informed. The …
What it means to be Abundant? “Your Abundance is a natural byproduct of your state of resiliency” – Karen Parker I had …
Our Christmas Story Cat Healing 2 As I wrote in one of my previous blogs, our cat Clyde fell sick on …
Confirmations Getting to the root of the problem with parathyroid glands “I want to work with you! You have to help me”, …
When illness strikes your beloved pet My husband and I were tested about our beliefs on Halloween weekend this year. Our cat …
It all starts Saturday Oct 24, 2015 at 9 am HAWAIIAN time. Watch the META-Health Conference LIVE ONLINE as Legends in Integrative Medicine and …
I am offering a free webinar on Saturday, October 17th at 5 PM PST On the webinar I will be speaking about …
My mission is empowering people to create new agreements about health, abundance and sexuality in their lives and restoring themselves to self-love …