

Getting to the root of the problem with parathyroid glands

“I want to work with you! You have to help me”, said the young woman sitting across from me. “Great, what is going on? “, I asked. Well I have changed my eating habits and it is helping. I feel so much better. There is still something going on that I think that you can help me with”, she confided in me. I was pleased that she could see the bigger picture and realized that using different supplement(s), good food and possibly a medication in this case is helpful, but it isn’t a permanent solution. If one is interested in good health, balance, joy and ease of living, crutches won’t do.

I asked what was this all about using my skills of being able to tune to the body and ask questions about the relationships and connections regarding the symptoms showing in the body. “Well, I am getting that the root cause is parathyroid”, I said. “I have been saying this for years! I knew it. My doctor did not say much about that. My naturopath is great but she gave me thyroid support.” “Well, what I am getting is that you have an excess of hormone parathyroid produced in your system. The issue is with the left side.

We started to work on this issue and other issues that are showing up for her…

WellnessParathyroid glands

The parathyroid glands are small glands located in the neck, on the posterior surface of the thyroid gland. Parathyroid hormone produced by parathyroid glands maintains the body’s calcium level so that the nervous and muscular systems can function properly. Through META-Kinetics I am finding that every individual will have their own meaning for the illness. 

Conflicts are about not managing to do what is necessary to attain and integrate that which is desired or needed – not being able to catch or to swallow “the morsel.” Conflicts of the parathyroid gland also relate to wanting to build up oneself as parathormone does with calcium in the body. This also relates to finding balance with parents who may be trying to exert their authority.

Parathormone: A hormone that is made by the parathyroid glands and is critical to maintaining calcium and phosphorus balance. Deficiency of parathormone results in abnormally low calcium in the blood (hypocalcemia). Excessive parathormone leads to elevated calcium levels in the blood and calcium deposition in cartilage. Also known as parathyroid hormone and parathyrin.

Cat Healing – Pasha

I wrote a blog about our cat Clyde’s health challenges. I will write an update soon. When I was contacted and asked, as a result of me talking about out cat, if I could help with health issues of a dog and a cat, I couldn’t say no. “We can start with the cat”, I replied to the request.

I have many tools in my healing bag that can help with any issue with anyone. My Whole Body Communication © approach shows me what is the best next step for a client, be it a cat like in this case.

At the heart of this inquiry was again Parathyroid Gland Left, just like in the case above for the young lady. META-Meaning of Parathyroid gland is – inability to get a chunk out. During this inquiry I worked with Behaviours and Endocrine Strengthening.

The client, a tuxedo tabby, had been sneezing constantly for a while and just hasn’t been himself. I was pleased to hear the next day after the inquiry that the condition improved and the cat seemed to be his old self. The part that gets really tricky when working with anyone, another issue was observed. The owner reported a strange behaviour toward the dog the next day. “What do you think is this all about?” I was asked. “I don’t know. I better ask.”
The issues are layered. We clear one layer and another layer will show up. So I did another session on him.

After our cat was more stable, I inquired how is her cat doing. “The cat is still sneezing. Sometimes a lot and other times not as much. I haven’t figured out the pattern yet. He is more alert, though and wants attention. What’s the next step?” his mom replied.

The issue around him was still grief. I followed the theme and I allowed what came up when I picked up Pasha’s energy signature. I followed Pasha’s grief and it took me where it needed to go. Bringing in my beloved Middy (that passed 10 years ago) worked so well with Clyde. I asked her if she would come and help me again. Feelings, pictures, impressions, voices were all flashing through. What I used was an amalgamation of all different tools just like with Clyde. Everything was shifting fast. I was going from different people, animals, pictures, sounds and feelings communicated to me.

“Hi Vera. The cat only sneezed a couple of time this morning. Usually, he sneezes quite a few times, especially when eating. This is a huge improvement! What did you do?” Issues of grief and the connection to the past experience as a lioness showed up for Pasha again this time. As you can see one session usually doesn’t do it, although it can.

There are so many different ways to work with animals.

Using Whole Body Communication © approach worked very well.

Don’t put just fires out, get to the root cause!

Health, money, life purpose or relationships issues.

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Vera is META-Health and META-Kinetics coach

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