Are you spinning?

12-week Program

Finding Balance

Did you know that the #1 reason for people over 65 ​to see a physician

is because of Dizziness, Nausea or Vertigo?

It is reported that it is a very serious issue. 

Do you have an older relative or know a friend whose health deteriorated fast after a fall?

Perhaps someone you know is going through bouts of dizziness, nausea or vertigo?

Can you relate? 

Is it your issue?

These symptoms are not shared with others until they become  serious. The person starts losing their footing and starts falling literally or has a feeling of falling. Some of them report getting dizzy or nauseous, but they don't connect the dots early enough. 

I believe that anybody can benefit from the education I will provide in this program. Keep in mind that if you have had these symptoms for a while, it might take longer to bring you back to balance.

I never imagined what an issue this is, until I started asking my clients about Dizziness, Nausea and Vertigo. I learned how big of a health symptom and concern this has been for people I meet. I discovered that this issue is more prevalent than I ever thought. 

I am passionate to bring My training and my experience to you

​Something that started at an early age, escalated. The signs are often missed and attributed to a sudden drop in blood pressure or sugar levels.


Come find out why this isn't the case. During this program I will share with you the true reasons for this condition and what information has been missing. There is a bigger picture you might benefit from learning about.

Vera N​ovak

  • You will gain from my personal experience with Dizziness that started in my teen years. I also believed that this had to do with a sudden drop of blood sugar or blood pressure. I found the root-cause and the world hasn't been the same.

  • ​Perhaps you get lightheaded?

  • You will get an understanding of the symptoms and the big picture of this condition.

  • In this 12-week program, we will cover organ-mind-brain anatomy and their themes. We will work on clearing energetic charges around some events that led to dizziness, nausea or vertigo.

  • ​You will benefit from my 10-years mastering many modalities to improve wellness.

  • I will walk you through the steps I had to take to put the pieces together.

  • You will track your progress through the program.

  • My intention is for you to achieve tangible results. 

  • Surveys will be performed during the program.

  • You will have access to me, should anything come up that requires immediate attention.

  • ​Our Body's Natural Healing Intelligence 
  • ​The Organ-Mind-Brain Anatomy
  • ​The 9 Major Points & Phases of Self-Healing


If you are presently on any kind of medication, you must have your physician monitor your condition closely during the program. Thank you for taking responsibility for your well being. This program is not to replace any of the medical treatments you are presently undertaking. You must inform me of any medication and/or serious health conditions that could potentially interfere with energy and information tools we will be using in this program.  Book your complimentary call to make sure the program is suitable for you.

Your facilitator

​Lifestyle Prescription Health Coach

Quantum Alignment System Level 3

Human Design Specialist Level 4

​META-Kinetics Advanced Practitioner

Work with somebody who has been there and

 Found the way

Twelve-week Program

The Workshop will be delivered on-line via ZOOM

Yes, Now is time to move forward in your life!

“Find Balance, learn to listen to your own guidance”

​Contact me for the next workshop start

Finding Balance and Inner Guidance is the Perfect Resolution to the Story.

“I was taught that the way of progress was neither swift nor easy.”

- Marie Curie

Copyright 2009-2020, My Healing House

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