Shingles and their biological meaning
What are Shingles?
If you search for the meaning of Shingles in a dictionary you will discover that Shingles is an acute, painful inflammation of the nerve ganglia, with a skin eruption often forming a girdle around the middle of the body. It is caused by the same virus as chicken pox.
Further search reveals that Shingles is a disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus, especially by reactivated virus in an older person, characterized by skin eruptions and pain along the course of involved sensory nerves.
When you are struck by Shingles, you will quite likely seek medical help. That is the best course of action. You might wonder at that point if it is contagious and will search further. Here is a very good article in Medical News Today regarding this disease.
Mainly it addresses if Shingles are contagious. Many people might be wondering about that. The article states that "Shingles is less contagious than chicken pox. The risk of spreading the virus is low if the rash is covered." It also talks about vaccines that are available for chicken pox and shingles.
I do not advocate for vaccinating or against it, that is up to each individual to decide.

10 Principles of META-Health
Meta Meaning of Shingles
Generally Shingles are about separation or unwanted contact conflicts. Shingles are a reactivation of the chicken pox virus that remained in the body since the original separation conflict many years ago which was also about separation or defilement. The shingles grows with small amelanotic tumors underneath the epidermis. In the regeneration phase the healing is mostly accompanied by pain. In case of an epidermis opening in case of open shingles, this process can stink and is frequently diagnosed as a tuberculosis of the skin.
Phase 1 there is a cell loss in the form of ulcer. Skin feels rough, pale, poorly supplied with blood, mostly cold. Shingles is an active and a passive conflict at the same time.
Phase 2 the skin becomes hot, red and swells. There are different skin diseases that can manifest with such conflict, shingles is one of them like psoriasis which is also a passive and an active conflict at the same time.
The separation can be the loss of contact with a close family member or a friend, flock etc. To find out what is behind this outer germ layer, the individual inquiry is very helpful.
Biological meaning: Loss of sensitivity, cell reduction to forget the separation or to reduce the sensitivity.
Do you need assistance with resolving your own biological conflicts?

My Experience with Shingles
I remember when my child was struck by chicken pox. It was shortly after starting day care in the afternoon a few times a week. I didn't know then what I know now. When the virus was reactivated some 5 years ago, I knew more about this disease. My inquiry revealed an issue of being separated from a beloved car in a single vehicle accident that totaled it.
Here is the thing. When the virus is activated, most people do not really want to hear any of this. They go to the doctor which is excellent. Can this information help them to heal faster? I believe so. Recently I came across a couple of more people who shared with me that they acquired shingles. Each time I asked them what they have gotten separated from lately. One of them was recently separated from income. The other person was reunited with a relative.
Each time I discovered a conflict that triggered the healing phase. The stress phase (Phase 1) is triggered by the conflict. The healing phase (Phase 2) usually is triggered when the conflict is resolved. The disease process is a natural process. We eventually do come to terms with the loss and reverse the disease process on our own, which brings on the healing phase thus chicken pox, shingles or other skin conditions. Does everything get healed? Sometimes it does and their is no re-occurrence. But sometimes some parts of the conflicts stay in the body field, unless the person transforms all the areas that were impacted by the conflict. The virus gets reactivated.
Resolving conflicts within the body
What prompted me to write about this was that Shingles seemed to be a theme I noticed lately. Recently my child's father, we have been separated 31 years ago, asked me about it at our adult child's wedding. The next day my husband and I bumped into him and his mother in Prague where we gathered for the wedding. We were invited over for dinner. Out of the blue he asked about the Shingles our child experienced years ago. It prompted him to get vaccinated when it happened. I sensed the fear he must have had about which prompted him to do that. I was taken aback by it, but I understood that the biological meaning and the disease process is not generally understood. I explained what triggers Shingles and how it is resolved.
My own health crisis in 2010 prompted me to investigate how we get sick and how we heal. I also told him, "Sure, you can vaccinate yourself against it, but what are you trying to prevent?"
Chicken pox and Shingles are a part of an evolution process of an individual. How they proceed with the process is up to them. There are many benefits to resolving conflicts.
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